
  1. Gitify Modx
  2. Gitifyhg Mercurial
  3. Gitify Github
  4. Gitify Review

We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Since this has been flagged out of date for almost a year, I've added an AUR entry for building from source: To get started with Gitify, it's easiest to set up a local clone of this repository. After that, run Composer to download the dependencies, and finally make the Gitify file executable to run it. $ git clone Gitify $ cd Gitify $ composer install $ chmod +x Gitify.

Gitify Modx

New as of v0.2 is that dependencies are managed via Composer, most notably it has been rebuilt on top of Symfony's Console component to provide a more feature-packed base to build from. Follow these instructions if you haven't installed Composer before


To get started with Gitify, it's easiest to set up a local clone of this repository. After that, run Composer to download the dependencies, and finally make the Gitify file executable to run it.

Gitifyhg Mercurial

At this point you should be able to type ./Gitify and get a response like the following:

If that's working as expected, the next step is to add the Gitify executable to your PATH so you can run Gitify in any directory. Edit your ~/.bash_profile and add the following, with the right path to the Gitify directory (not file) of course:

Gitify Github

Restart your terminal and you should be good to go.

Gitify Review

For successfull installing of MODX by Gitify modx:install command you should have installed unzip command in your system. For Debian/Ubuntu you can use sudo apt-get install unzip.